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The Dark Side of Light

As beings of light we often live within our own shadow, this shadow self being the turning away from our own illuminating presence into the ignorance of a self-created world of the human ego. The very nature of the ego is fear-based, it loves comfort and familiarity, vehemently resisting change which is necessary for any form of progress.

With numerous publications abounding regarding resisting the ego and breaking free from its influences, I found myself pondering this so called enemy of enlightenment, surely it must have a purpose since it is a shared attribute within the combined consciousness of humanity? Much like the survival instinct which is very much fear driven, I believe that the ego too and its fear-based nature could serve a common purpose with that of the survival instinct, and that purpose is to protect.

The ego’s need to protect itself as much as it is well intended) is unfortunately an illusion of the human experience. Freedom from this illusion, called ‘maya’ in hindu terminology is believed to lead to enlightenment, also called ‘moksha,’ an awareness of our true nature that exists beyond the identity of the body and mind. It is through this awareness that the ego is dis-empowered, since its power is reliant upon ignorance – the same ignorance which gives rise to greed, lust, anger and the many so-called negative aspects of our experiences as human beings.

Awareness turns on the light of presence within which the darkness of the ego cannot function. The ego then, may become an observer and although still present, one would cease to act from its instructions. It would seem then that a worthy aim of human existence would be not to get rid of or escape the ego, which is essentially a part of our being, even though self constructed, but to gain mastery over its influence. The majority of humanity live their lives being the observers and servants to the whims of the ego, true freedom comes from the ability to choose to act from love which is the essence of our being rather than the shadow self of the ego. The shadow self of the ego may well be with us till the end of our journey, yet we all have the choice regarding whether or not it will be the driving force of our life experience. Fighting against the ego seems like fighting a part of the self, fighting it will only strengthen it since what we resist persists. We can allow the ego to be peacefully present without handing over our self control to its illusions.

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